Tips For Getting Found On the Internet

Lead Generation
Google, Google, Google - as search engine optimization professionals, it's all we hear any more. They're in our phones, they're dominating our browser, they even creating humanoids and robotic animals. They're into everything. That could be a bad thing, or it could be a good thing. If you are a business owner and you are in good with Google, or if you know how to give Google what they want in order for them to help you, then the more places Google is, the more places your business will be displayed. Since most of us don't know someone at Google who can fix your rankings to get displayed more often, it's upon each of us to give Google what it wants and needs in order to rank our businesses higher.…
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What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

General, Search Engines
We've all heard the adages "what you don't know can't hurt you", "ignorance is bliss", and other. They all seem to promote a carefree attitude and that you should not worry about things that you don't know about or aren't prepared for. In the online world, these phrases don't apply - in fact the opposite is true. You MUST know what is going on behind your back online when it's your business that is in the cross-hairs. We've seen it time and time again. Business owners are confounded by a drop in sales that won't end. Your current customers are plenty happy with your service or products, but new customers just don't seem to come in like they used to. Or even worse, maybe some of of your current customers…
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