How Mobile Search and Voice Search Have Redefined Word-of-Mouth Marketing

How Mobile Search and Voice Search Have Redefined Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Lead Generation, Search Engines
The new trusted sources for word-of-mouth marketing are Siri, Alexa and Google. Mobile searchers, myself included, regularly ask Siri for her 'recommendations' for services and products. Even though Siri never ate at In-And-Out Burger, she will gladly identify it when asked 'Hey Siri, where's the best burger place near me?' Android users ask Google instead. Alexa's in on the action too. They are all too willing to give you advice on where to eat, buy shoes or get your teeth cleaned. You don't even have to search any more. The three of them will search for you. We talk to our mobile devices more and more, and they're talking back to us - with recommendations. But where does the information they are dispensing come from? You already know the answer…
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Uh, oh! Here Google Goes Again

Uh, oh! Here Google Goes Again

Search Engine Optimization, Search Engines, Visitor Engagement
It's been a while since the last major algorithm change in Google Search, so now the time is upon us. This time around there will be a new ranking factor - Page Experience. If there was ever a question in anyone's mind about the importance of UI / UX (user interface / user experience), this should settle it once and for all. User experience is all about how your website and its visitors interact. UX/UI has been a growing segment of the website/app industry, and now Google is confirming its importance to the world. Coincidentally, Stewart SEO has been focusing on what we call Visitor Engagement Optimization (VEO) for years. Check our past blog articles to see it. Our emphasis on visitor engagement is based on great page experience. So…
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What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

General, Search Engines
We've all heard the adages "what you don't know can't hurt you", "ignorance is bliss", and other. They all seem to promote a carefree attitude and that you should not worry about things that you don't know about or aren't prepared for. In the online world, these phrases don't apply - in fact the opposite is true. You MUST know what is going on behind your back online when it's your business that is in the cross-hairs. We've seen it time and time again. Business owners are confounded by a drop in sales that won't end. Your current customers are plenty happy with your service or products, but new customers just don't seem to come in like they used to. Or even worse, maybe some of of your current customers…
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