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Social Media Consistency

There’s no denying it – customers love a stable company.

Nothing can express quality and stability in a business more than a consistent message, particularly regarding online presence. This may sound odd to someone who believes that a company’s quality speaks for itself through the products or services provided by that company. Of course that it true, but that only applies to current customers. The quality of your product or service is completely unknown to ALL potential customers out there.

So back to my original statement – to the world of potential clients, your online presence is all you have to establish your company as a stable, quality business. Consistency is the key to developing that online presence.

For example, I have a Twitter account, which allows me to see comments, articles or pictures from all of the hundreds of people/organizations I follow – in real time. How many of the accounts that I follow do you think I could name right off the top of my head? There are so many, I probably could not name even 1% of them. However, the ones I do remember always seem to have a Tweet near the top of my Twitter feed. It’s their consistency in posting that sticks their names in my head. The content of the tweet is almost irrelevant – it’s the consistency that makes the impression. When I’m ready to purchase, they’ll be the ones I remember.

You can give your business an air of authority, expert knowledge, consistency, dependability and personality simply with a consistent flow of social media content.

But who has time for that? Managing a social media presence is a profession, not a side job for the business owner. Companies pay over $1000 per month on average for someone to manage social media accounts! It would seem that you’ll spend too much time or too much money to maintain an effective social media campaign.

The solution is Social Media Content Outsourcing

Our social media content outsourcing takes on the entire burden of posting fresh content day after day after day. You simply respond to direct messages from potential customers and start picking up new business!

Click here for more information about our Social Media Content Outsourcing.