Worried About Taking Your Business Online?

Worried About Taking Your Business Online?

Does the idea of going digital with your business frighten you, as if you were about to walk through a minefield blindfolded? "Taking your business online" is not about changing the way you run your business, it is about reaching a client base that you have no other way to reach. Your new Salesman Let's say it is like hiring a new salesman. When you take on a new hire, you don't change the way your business operates. A newly hired veteran salesperson may request some changes in procedures to accommodate the way he or she sells, but your business operations are largely unaffected. You still run the business the same way. There's nothing scary or unknown about hiring a new salesman. On the other hand, going digital with your…
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Watch Out For the Latest Website Scams

Watch Out For the Latest Website Scams

Scammers are certainly not short on creativity. With new scams coming out so frequently, this should probably be a weekly article. I'm not sure we have time for that, but we'll think about it. Here's a new scam going around right now that business owners with a website should be aware of. Falling for this trap could infect your computer with a virus costing you money and time. We did not take the bait, so we can't be certain what the endgame is, but likely it's just a virus. It's also possible that they might try to convince you to pay them to go away. The Copied Images Scam A new scam making its way around the internet comes as an email that is addressed to one of your company…
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Have a Website? Try Our Quick SEO Analysis Tool

SEO is a complex collection of linking, social sharing, keywords, optimizing, de-optimizing and a host of other seemingly unrelated strategies, but we've taken the time to compress much of the analysis into a quick-start SEO analysis tool. Try out the tool below to see what actions you might want to take to improve your SEO score, resulting in more eyes on your website and product/service.  
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Are Your Business Profiles Set Up Right?

As a business owner, you need to understand the importance of online profiles. Search engines make a note of each place on the web where your information is found. When searches for your business occur, these places on the web can fall into the search results. The best case scenario would be that on every webpage where your business is found, there is sufficient information to inform searchers of who you are and what you do. Here are some suggestions that we use ourselves when helping clients boost their web presence. Consistency Each business profile that you set up should have the exact same location information. For instance, if your address is 123 Elm St, then in each place on the web where you post your address, make sure you…
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What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

General, Search Engines
We've all heard the adages "what you don't know can't hurt you", "ignorance is bliss", and other. They all seem to promote a carefree attitude and that you should not worry about things that you don't know about or aren't prepared for. In the online world, these phrases don't apply - in fact the opposite is true. You MUST know what is going on behind your back online when it's your business that is in the cross-hairs. We've seen it time and time again. Business owners are confounded by a drop in sales that won't end. Your current customers are plenty happy with your service or products, but new customers just don't seem to come in like they used to. Or even worse, maybe some of of your current customers…
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