Tips For Getting Found On the Internet

Lead Generation
Google, Google, Google - as search engine optimization professionals, it's all we hear any more. They're in our phones, they're dominating our browser, they even creating humanoids and robotic animals. They're into everything. That could be a bad thing, or it could be a good thing. If you are a business owner and you are in good with Google, or if you know how to give Google what they want in order for them to help you, then the more places Google is, the more places your business will be displayed. Since most of us don't know someone at Google who can fix your rankings to get displayed more often, it's upon each of us to give Google what it wants and needs in order to rank our businesses higher.…
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What’s the Cure For “Ad Blindness”?

Search Engine Optimization
Everyone has "ad blindness", but it's the business owners who suffer. What exactly is "ad blindness"? It's the conditioned response of potential customers to subconsciously block out ads on a webpage (or magazine or newspaper, etc). This phenomenon prevents readers from seeing advertisements that are right in front of their face. Because we as a society are so bombarded with ads all day long, every day, we build up an immunity, so to speak, to ads. Although we see them, our brain tells us to just pass over them. As a result, ads must always push the envelope to catch the reader's eye. Even on a Google search results page, there are advertisements. Some of them are listed down the right hand side of the page, while others are at…
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Does Word-of-Mouth Advertising Still Work?

Social Media
Social media may sound like something that would interest your children, but in reality it can be used as a powerful marketing tool for local businesses. Facebook continues to grow by leaps and bounds, adding users from every age group, from preteens all the way up to senior citizens. It's likely that most of your existing customers and potential customers have Facebook accounts and check them regularly. So why is social media important to you? How is social media going to help you with sales? Social media is the new 'word of mouth' way of advertising. MANY businesses like to think that their products or services are so good that the only advertising they need is word-of-mouth. In other words, your customers will advertise to their friends for you so…
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Social Media Consistency

Social Media
There's no denying it - customers love a stable company. Nothing can express quality and stability in a business more than a consistent message, particularly regarding online presence. This may sound odd to someone who believes that a company's quality speaks for itself through the products or services provided by that company. Of course that it true, but that only applies to current customers. The quality of your product or service is completely unknown to ALL potential customers out there. So back to my original statement - to the world of potential clients, your online presence is all you have to establish your company as a stable, quality business. Consistency is the key to developing that online presence. For example, I have a Twitter account, which allows me to see…
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Have a Website? Try Our Quick SEO Analysis Tool

SEO is a complex collection of linking, social sharing, keywords, optimizing, de-optimizing and a host of other seemingly unrelated strategies, but we've taken the time to compress much of the analysis into a quick-start SEO analysis tool. Try out the tool below to see what actions you might want to take to improve your SEO score, resulting in more eyes on your website and product/service.  
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Are Your Business Profiles Set Up Right?

As a business owner, you need to understand the importance of online profiles. Search engines make a note of each place on the web where your information is found. When searches for your business occur, these places on the web can fall into the search results. The best case scenario would be that on every webpage where your business is found, there is sufficient information to inform searchers of who you are and what you do. Here are some suggestions that we use ourselves when helping clients boost their web presence. Consistency Each business profile that you set up should have the exact same location information. For instance, if your address is 123 Elm St, then in each place on the web where you post your address, make sure you…
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What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

General, Search Engines
We've all heard the adages "what you don't know can't hurt you", "ignorance is bliss", and other. They all seem to promote a carefree attitude and that you should not worry about things that you don't know about or aren't prepared for. In the online world, these phrases don't apply - in fact the opposite is true. You MUST know what is going on behind your back online when it's your business that is in the cross-hairs. We've seen it time and time again. Business owners are confounded by a drop in sales that won't end. Your current customers are plenty happy with your service or products, but new customers just don't seem to come in like they used to. Or even worse, maybe some of of your current customers…
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